A Massively-Parallel Digital Processor for Spotlight Synthetic-Aperture Radar
G. A. Mastin, S. J. Plimpton, D. Ghiglia, Int J of Supercomputer Applications, 7, 97-112 (1993).
A spotlight synthetic aperture radar digital processor has been implemented on an nCUBE 2 parallel supercomputer at Sandia National Laboratories. The digital processor consists of three principal components: a polar reformatter, a two- dimensional fast Fourier transformation code, including Taylor weighting for side-lobe reduction, and a phase gradient autofocus code. Several components of the digital processor have also been implemented on other parallel computers including a CM-2, an Intel iPSC/860 , and a Cray Y-MP/1. The performance of the radar processor on all of these machines is discussed.
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