MapReduce-MPI WWW Site - MapReduce-MPI Documentation

MapReduce kv_stats() method

MapReduce kmv_stats() method

MapReduce cummulative_stats() method

uint64_t MapReduce::kv_stats(int level)
uint64_t MapReduce::kmv_stats(int level)
void MapReduce::cummulative_stats(int level, int reset) 

Calling the kv_stats() method prints statistics about the KeyValue object stored within the MapReduce object. The total number of key/value pairs is returned. If level = 0 is specified, nothing else is done. If level = 1 is specified, a one-line summary is printed for all the key/value pairs across all processors. If a level = 2 is specified, per-processor information is also printed in a one-line histogram format.

Calling the kmv_stats() method prints statistics about the KeyMultiValue object stored within the MapReduce object. The total number of key/multi-value pairs is returned. If level = 0 is specified, nothing else is done. If level = 1 is specified, a one-line summary is printed for all the key/multi-value pairs across all processors. If a level = 2 is specified, per-processor information is also printed in a one-line histogram format.

Calling the cummulative_stats() method prints statistics about the cummulative memory allocation, inter-processor communication volume, and file I/O volume that has been performed by all MapReduce operations up to this point, by all MapReduce objects your program has instantiated. If level = 1 is specified, a brief summary is printed. If level = 2 is specified, per-processor information is also printed in a one-line histogram format.

If the reset flag is set to 1, then the counters for these quantities are reset to 0.

This cummulative_stats() method is called internally when your program destructs the last MapReduce object, using the verbosity setting for the level argument. If verbosity is set to 0, then the method is not called.