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neigh_tri command


neigh_tri dirname -i input1 input2 -o out1.file 


neigh_tri myneigh -i mrn mrtri -o NULL mrnplus


This is a named command which calculates a list of edges associated with each vertex in an undirected graph, which include all edges the vertex is in (its first neighbors) and also edges between pairs of its first neighbors (triangle edges). This set of data is written to a file per vertex as a list of edges.

See the named command doc page for various ways in which the -i inputs and -o outputs for a named command can be specified.

Input1 stores a set of neighbors of each vertex. See the neighbor command, which can compute this data. Input2 stores a set of triangles. See the tri_find command, which can compute this data. The two inputs are unchanged by this command.

These 2 data sets are merged to identify the edges that exist between pairs of neighbors of each vertex. This information is written to a file per vertex. The name of each file is dirname/Vi where dirname is the specified argument (a directory name), and Vi is the vertex ID. Each file will contain a list of edges, one per line, written as Vm Vn. For some of the Vm will equal Vi, which means they are edges containing Vi, i.e. they are the first neighbors of Vi. Other edges will have Vm != Vi. These are edges between pairs of first neighbors.

Out1 will store the neighbor and triangle edge information as key/multivalue (KMV) pairs, not as key/value (KV) pairs (the usual form of output).

Out1.file must be specified as NULL with the "-o" argument so that the output is only allowed as an MR-MPI object, not as a file. This is because the file would contain data for all the vertices together. The equivalent info is already output as one file per vertex, as described above.

NOTE: alter the neigh_tri.cpp code so that it uses the input dirname with expandpath() to apply the global prepend and substitute settings ??

Related commands:

neighbor, tri_find