C syntax:
#include "phish.h" void phish_error(char *str) void phish_warn(char *str) void phish_abort()
C examples:
phish_error("Bad datum received"); phish_warn("May overflow internal buffer"); phish_abort();
C++ syntax:
void phish::error(char *str) void phish::warn(char *str) void phish::abort()
C++ examples:
#include "phish.hpp" phish::error("Bad datum received"); phish::warn("May overflow internal buffer"); phish::abort();
Python syntax:
def error(str) def warn(str) def abort()
Python examples:
import phish phish.error("Bad datum received") phish.warn("May overflow internal buffer") phish.abort()
These are PHISH library functions which can be called from a minnow application. In PHISH lingo, a "minnow" is a stand-alone application which makes calls to the PHISH library.
These functions print error or warning messages. The phish_error() and phish_abort() functions also cause a PHISH program and all of its minnows to exit.
These functions can be called by a minnow, but are also called internally by the PHISH library when error conditions are encountered.
Also note that unlike calling phish_exit, these functions do not close a minnow's input or output ports, or trigger "done" messages to be sent to downstream minnows. This means that no other minnows are explicitly told about the failed minnow. However, see the discussion below about the phish_abort() function and its effect on other minnows.
The phish_error() function prints the specified character string to the screen, then calls phish_abort().
The error message is printed with the following format:
PHISH ERROR: Minnow executable ID school-id # global-id: message
where "executable" is the name of executable minnow file (not the full path, just the filename), "school-id" is the ID of the minnow as specified in the PHISH input script, "global-id" is the global-ID of the minnow, and message is the error message. Each minnow has a global ID from 0 to Nglobal-1, where Nglobal is the total number of minnows in the net specified by the PHISH input script. This supplementary information is helpful in debugging which minnow generated the error message.
The phish_warn() function prints the specified character string to the screen, in the same format as phish_error(), execpt ERROR is replaced by WARNING. phish_abort() is not invoked and control is simply returned to the calling minnow which can continue executing.
The phish_abort() function invokes the user-specified abort callback function defined via phish_callback. If the callback function does not cancel the abort, the minnow exits.
For the MPI version of the PHISH library, phish_abort() invokes MPI_Abort(), which should force all minnows in the PHISH school to exit, along with the "mpirun" or "mpiexec" command that launched the net.
For the ZMQ version of the PHISH library, phish_abort() behavior is undefined. We intend that in future versions of PHISH, all minnows in the net will exit.
Restrictions: none
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