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input command


input N keyword value ... 


input 1 multi 4
input 2 self 1 substitute 4 prepend /scratch%/hadoop-datastore/local_files 


This command is used to control the reading of input data that a named command performs as part of its input. It does this by setting options on specific inputs to named commands. The options set by this command are in effect for ONLY the next named commmand. After a named command is invoked, it restores all input options to their default values. Note that all of the options which can be set by this command have default values, so you don't need to set those you don't want to change.

As described on the named command doc page, a named command may specify one or more input descriptors. If the descriptor is one or more file or directory names, then each of them is converted into a list of strings which is passed to a map() method of a created MR-MPI object, along with various other arguments needed by the map() method. The purpose of the input command is to give you control over how that conversion takes place and what the values of those additional arguments are.

The N value corresponds to a particular input descriptor, as defined by the named command. It should be an integer from 1 to Ninput, where Ninput is the number of input descriptors the command requires. The input command can be used multiple times with the same N to specify different parameters, e.g. one at a time.

The remaining arguments are pairs of keywords and values. One or more can be specified.

The prepend, substitute, and multi keywords alter the file and directory path names specified with an input descriptor in a named command.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The prepend, substitute, and multi keywords are applied to each file of directory name in the list of such names that the named command uses in its input descriptor.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The prepend and substitute keywords can also be set globally so that their values will be applied to all input descriptors of all named commands. See the set command for details. If an input command is not used to override the global value, then the global value is used by the named command.

The prepend keyword specifies a path name to prepend to each input file or directory name specified with the named command. The prepend string is presumed to be a directory name and should be specified without the trailing "/" character, since that is added when the prepending is done.

Input file or directory names specified with the named command can contain either or both of two wildcard characters: "%" or "*". Only the first occurrence of each wildcard character is replaced.

If the substitute keyword is set to 0, then a "%" is replaced by the processor ID, 0 to Nprocs-1. If it is set to N > 0, then "%" is replaced by (proc-ID % N) + 1. I.e. for 8 processors and N = 4, then the 8 processors replace the "%" with (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4). This can be useful for multi-core nodes where each core has its own local disk. E.g. you wish each core to read data from one disk.

If a "*" appears, then the file or directory name is duplicated N times where N is the value set by the multi keyword. In each of the N duplicates, the "*" is replaced by the number 1 to N. Again, this can be useful for multi-core nodes where each core has its own local disk. E.g. you want a single core to read data from each of several local disks on the node, presumably because you have launched an MPI job so that it runs on a single core per node.

The mmode keyword stands for "map mode" and determines what form of the MR-MPI library map() method is invoked by the named command. It is up to the coding of the "named command" to determine which of these forms of data input it supports. There are 3 variants of the map() method which involve file input:

mmode = 0 = map(int nstr, char **strings, int self, int recurse, int readfile, void (*mymap)(), void *ptr)
mmode = 1 = map(int nmap, int nstr, char **strings, int recurse, int readfile, char sepchar, int delta, void (*mymap)(), void *ptr)
mmode = 2 = map(int nmap, int nstr, char **strings, int recurse, int
readfile, char *sepstr, int delta, void (*mymap)(), void *ptr) 

The "nstr" and "strings" arguments to these methods are created by OINK, using the settings described above. The remaining arguments are set by the keywords of the input command, as needed. Note that some keywords have no meaning for certain map() method variants, in which case they are simply ignored.

The meaning of the self, recurse, readfile, nmap, sepchar, sepstr, and delta keywords is the same as explained on the doc page for the map() method of the MR-MPI library. The value for the sepchar keyword will be treated as a single character. The value for the sepstr keyword will be treated as a string.

Related commands:

output, named commands, how to write named commands, set


The option defaults are prepend = NULL, substitute = 0, multi = 1, mmode = 0, recurse = 0, self = 0, readfile = 0, nmap = 0, sepchar = newline character, sepstr = newline, delta = 80.