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set command


set keyword value ... 


set verbosity 2 set verbosity 1 timer 1 memsize 16 set scratch /tmp/mr set prepend /scratch%/data substitute 1


This command sets global settings which are used in the creation of MR-MPI objects and the underlying MapReduce objects they wrap. Note that many of these setting names have the same meaning they do in the MR-MPI library themselves, as discussed on this doc page.

The settings for the verbosity, timer, memsize. outofcore, minpage, maxpage, freepage, and zeropage keywords are used by the mr command creates a MapReduce object to set its attributes. Note that the mr command itself can override several of these global settings.

Named commands can also create MapReduce objects, either when inputting and outputting data, or when the run() method in the named command class invokes certain methods, like create_mr() or copy_mr(). Each time a new MapReduce object is created, these same global settings are applied to it. See this doc page for more discussion of the input/output options and these methods.

The scratch keyword is a directory pathname which all MapReduce objects will use for writing temporary files when they operate in out-of-core mode. Every MapReduce object created by OINK will have its scratch directory set to this value, via the fpath() call described on this doc page

The prepend and substitute keywords affect how file and directory names are interpreted by OINK. File and directory names are used as input and output options to named commands via the "-i" and "-o" arguments in an input script. Before these path names are passed to the MR-MPI library, e.g. as part of a map() method, they can have a directory name prepended to them, and "%" characters in the path name substituted for with a processor ID. This is to enable flexible options for input/output of different files by different processors.

If the prepend keyword is set, its value should be a directory name (without the trailing "/"). This will be prepended to every input and output pathname used by OINK, including the scratch directory noted above. This global setting can be overridden for a single input or output of the next-executed named command by setting the same prepend keyword in the input or output command.

Input file or directory names can contain the wildcard character "%". Only the first occurrence of the wildcard character is replaced.

If the substitute keyword is set to 0, then a "%" is replaced by the processor ID, 0 to Nprocs-1. If it is set to N > 0, then "%" is replaced by (proc-ID % N) + 1. I.e. for 8 processors and N = 4, then the 8 processors replace the "%" with (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4). This can be useful for multi-core nodes where each core has its own local disk. E.g. you wish each core to read data from one disk.

As with the prepend keyword, this substitution rule will be applied to every input and output pathname used by OINK, including the scratch directory noted above. This global setting can be overridden for a single input or output of the next-executed named command by setting the same substitute keyword in the input or output command.

Related commands:

input, output, named commands, MR-MPI library commands, Section_commands


The setting defaults are the same as for the MR-MPI library itself, namely verbosity = 0, timer = 0, memsize = 64, outofcore = 0, minpage = 0, maxpage = 0, freepage = 1, zeropage = 0, scratch = ".". There are additional default values: prepend = NULL, and substitute = 0.