Steve Plimpton |
I retired in October 2022 from Sandia National Laboratories, a
US Department of Energy lab, where I worked as a computational
scientist in its Center for Computing Research.
I'm still involved in some technical work, particularly for the open source codes listed below.
You can reach me with a question or idea at this email address --- sjplimp at --- though I may not respond immediately.
My research at Sandia involved implementing and using scientific
simulations designed for parallel supercomputers, as well as the
creation of efficient parallel algorithms. Many of the models I
worked on were particle based; some used structured grids or finite
elements. Most of the codes I helped develop were for materials
modeling, some for biology and informatics applications.
- LAMMPS = classical molecular dynamics
- SPARTA = Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC)
- SPPARKS = kinetic and Metropolis Monte Carlo
- ChemCell = spatial reaction/diffusion in biological cells
- CSlib = client/server messaging library
- fftMPI = parallel 3d/2d FFT library
- MapReduce-MPI = MapReduce library on top of MPI
- PHISH = stream processing library on top of MPI
- FireHose = stream processing benchmarks
- CrossSim = simulator for modeling resisitve memory (analog) devices for neuromorphic computing
- = Python-based pre- and post-processing tools for LAMMPS, SPPARKS, SPARTA, ChemCell
Publications, see more info at Google Scholar
University course in parallel computing
Humorous quotations
Active Interests
Molecular Dynamics (MD): LAMMPS, ParaDyn, parallel algorithms, simulations (papers, pictures, movies)
Direct Simulation Monte Carlo - low-density reacting flows via particles, SPARTA and Icarus
Kinetic Monte Carlo - KMC and Metropolis MC simulator SPPARKS
Parallel FFTs - parallel distributed 3d/2d FFTs Toolkit - Python-based tools for simulation setup, analysis, plotting, viz
Past Projects
Informatics - data-intensive computing via a MapReduce-MPI library, and a stream-processing PHISH library
High Performance Computing (HPC) - neuro-inspired computing, performance comparisons of parallel architectures
Biological Cell Modeling - particle-based reaction/diffusion simulator ChemCell
Parallel Algorithms: rendezvous algorithms, dynamic load-balancing, tinkertoy parallel programming, matrix-vector multiply and many-body algorithms, HPCC RandomAccess (GUPS) benchmark
Gene Finding - parallelization of the Genehunter genetic linkage analysis program
Radiation Transport - Boltzmann equation for thermal and X-ray radiation
ChISELS - surface evolution model of semiconductor processing for micromachine devices (MEMS)
QuickSilver - particle-in-cell (PIC) relativistic electromagnetics
PRONTO - finite element transient dynamics (crash & boom) with contact detection
NIMROD - plasma simulation of tokamaks
Electronic Structure - quantum mechanics of solids
Image Processing - synthetic aperture radar (SAR) analysis
Grain Growth - Potts model on 2-d and 3-d lattices
Electron Microscopy - Monte Carlo trajectory simulation
Parallel Computing - general overviews